Security Services

Opt for The Reputable Security Services to Run Your Event Smoothly

So, you have set the date of your upcoming event. You are done with booking the venue as well. Now, all you need is to get your invitees show up at your event. But your to-do list is still not completed until you have taken an initiative to empower your event’s security. Whether you are… Continue reading Opt for The Reputable Security Services to Run Your Event Smoothly

Security Services

Importance of Ensuring the Security of A Shopping Mall

The rocketing security threats in different shopping malls have created a sense of insecurity among the shoppers. It has encouraged the mall owners to re-evaluate the security management and protocols. Taking a cue from many incidents, the top-tier shopping malls abroad and in India are striving to strengthen their security, but have realized that there… Continue reading Importance of Ensuring the Security of A Shopping Mall